12 years old and committed to help

Allison Chatenay is only12 but she is adamant on making a positive difference in this world.

She’s fundraising for school construction in BOSAWAS Nicaragua, determined to help  her Miskito peers achieve their right to education – a right she’s always had.

Allison’s father, Mark Chatenay, has been traveling to BOSAWAS with Change for Children’s dental brigade for years and her grandmother, Olive, went as well the year before she died in 2009. Allison has heard the stories and seen the pictures of this far away place – stories of extreme poverty and a strong and beautiful people.

When Allison’s aunt passed away the same year as her grandmother, the family contributed funds for school construction in BOSAWAS as a tribute to their lives. While her family holds a strong connection to this special place, it was the face-to-face visit with Miskito youth Tony Zelaya that spurred Allison into action. Seventeen year old, Tony Zelaya, traveled to Canada this fall to share his story with Alberta students of having to leave his family when he was only twelve years old to travel alone to the capital city of Managua to complete his high school education.

Allison started her own fundraising campaign. She wants to ensure the $10,000 still needed for the construction project is met. She will be joining her Dad in January on a trip of a lifetime to BOSAWAS and she wants to have good news to share.

To contribute to Alison’s fundraising for the school construction project in Walakitang, BOSAWAS, Nicaragua Click here (to contribute to Allison’s giving page) or send a cheque noting’ Allison – school construction’.

Bosawas Education In Canada Nicaragua