Location: Central America and the Caribbean, Guatemala | Priorities: Education, Indigenous Peoples
The Department of Quiche is among those in Guatemala with the highest percentage of population living below the poverty line (70-80%) and with low literacy levels. The pandemic has exacerbated the gaps between rural and urban populations, and between Ladino (non-indigenous) and Indigenous peoples in Guatemala. While virtual learning was offered to Guatemalan students, the majority of rural and Indigenous households do not have access to internet nor technology. Recent studies indicate that children are now more than two years behind their grade levels.
The installation of Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning (RACHEL) in classrooms in four schools in the Municipality of Chicaman, in the Department of Quiche provide 1,300 students with access to educational materials, activities, libraries, and audio-visual materials.
The new technology provides easy access to resources and reference materials for students and teachers who have little or no access to internet or to physical libraries. They can also create and upload additional materials to share in their school and beyond.
Change for Children partner organizations on this project are: Mundo Posible and The Bishop Croteau Development Foundation