
Ambassador: Nekky Jamal

Quench1Dentistry has provided me with a huge opportunity to make a difference in my own community and communities a world away. Participating in dental brigades, providing dental services to communities without access to healthcare in developing countries, has brought me much satisfaction and has granted me access to some remote parts of the world. For this, I am grateful.

However, I am often left wanting to do more. Societal and economic barriers restrict the overall development of the villages I have visited. Realizing basic necessities is often a struggle in communities without the capacity to implement change. The story never changes. But the faces do. And they remain imprinted in my mind.

During my most recent dental brigade trip to Central America, it became evident that one feasible way to make an impact is to help provide one of the basic necessities of life – water!

I, along with the generous support of my fellow University of Saskatchewan alumni, my home community of Lloydminster, Alberta, as well as friends, family, colleagues, and my Rotary Club—who all want to make a difference—have made water accessible to eight communities in Nicaragua since May, 2015!