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This project is designed to improve the quality of education in Guatemala’s western highlands – home to the Maya-Mam indigenous people – by providing accessible mobi...
In addition to the awesome task of providing potable water systems and clean water to over 200,000 people to date, this project fosters a holistic vision of environm...
A five-room secondary school will be constructed to extend the education of youth living in the remote Bosawas Biosphere Reserve — home to the Miskito and Mayagna pe...
For nearly twenty years, CFCA has been working in Comitancillo.This project works with the Mayan Mam indigenous peoples to provide tools, seeds, and agricultural tra...
Eco-sensitive economic development in El Pilche in Northeastern Ecuador will increase opportunities for young Kichwa people to stay in the area, preserving cultural ...
Since 2008, project partner, Edzimkulu, has been providing home based access to care for children under 5 focusing on breastfeeding, malnutrition prevention, immuniz...
Programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS cannot succeed without challenging the structures of unequal power relations between women and men, includ...