Better Nutrition in Bolivia

The Better Nutrition, Better Learning project is going very well in Alto Beni, Bolivia!

Our partner organization, Fundacion RENACE is well on their way to achieving their projected targets of 5,000 children in 50 schools for the Better Nutrition, Better Learning program.

Since the partnership between Change for Children and Fundacion RENACE began, 2,000 children in 27 schools are receiving a mid-morning snack provided by local women who provide and process the food from their very own gardens.

The ladies have received training on how to make banana and pumpkin bread, fruit juices and more, all processed from the richness of the local environment. All the food is certified organic and meets the national nutritional and sanitary standards for school feeding programs.

The project also contributes to the local economy, creating employment opportunities as the women receive renumeration for both their time and their fruits and vegetables.

The project is a cost-sharing initiative between Change for Children, Fundacion RENACE and the local municipal governments.

To donate the the Better Nutrition, Better Learning project, click here!

Bolivia Education Food Sovereignty Health In The Field South America