Local Schools Make an Impact
June 26, 2017
As the school year draws to a close, there are no doubt many student successes and classroom triumphs being celebrated in assemblies, recitals, and award ceremonies near you.
Water Champion tops off the list of achievements for eight Alberta schools whose combined efforts funded a community water well in the community of Villa Alemania in Chinandega, Nicaragua. We are so proud of local students creating a ripple!
The water well in Villa Alemania was drilled in May and will serve four communities — providing a clean, safe, reliable drinking water source for 1,200 people! The well was drilled to a depth of 300ft — our deepest well yet — to ensure that it continues to reach the aquifer below during the dry season.
Through local school efforts, which included Water Walks, carnivals, bottle drives, concession sales, and donations, we are reminded that together, small can be BIG! Ripple on!
Teacher, Mme Wright, was with us to witness the water well drilling. She shares her thoughts,
“Today I got to see with my own eyes just how ‘small can be BIG.’ Our school encouraged students to donate loonies and toonies to contribute something small in order to make a BIG difference. I don’t think any of us truly imagined that we’d actually be able to be a part of something so huge!! Our small province, our little school, our young students, together, we changed the lives of the people of Villa Alemania in a BIG way. This is the truest example of an authentic learning journey, one that will help to build globally aware citizens who will want to make the world a better place. They are leaving a legacy already.”