A pinch of fate. A cup of Kindness.
December 10, 2018 by
The sun set quickly – more quickly than expected – over the tall palm trees lining the banks of the Rio Coco, leaving the group of Canadians making our way to San Andres, Bosawas, completely in the dark. With the sanctity of the Change for Children Field House still over an hour upriver, the boat driver instead moored our dugout canoe to the riverbank below the community of Siminka. Our arrival was unexpected and unplanned, as was the hospitality with which we were received. The community opened up the church, we strung up our hammocks, and hot water and rice and beans materialized from community members. Though our stay was brief, the community and its residents left a lasting impression.

Five years after our Siminka stop-over, it seems that the kind of hospitality offered by those with little to give leaves more than a lasting impression. It leaves a person feeling forever connected to the little community with a big heart. And so, with the support of the Canadian women on that fateful canoe ride five years ago, construction will soon begin on a secondary school in Siminka.
You too can help educate a girl by adding a cup of kindness to projects in Nicaragua and Guatemala this season (no pinch and/or twist of fate required!). The recipe for change serves many!
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