Hope for the Holidays
November 27, 2019 by
There is something about the anticipation of the Holidays. The knowing that there is something pretty great in store. The looking forward. The eagerness. The planning and the expectation. The joy you know is coming as you celebrate with family and friends. It is this anticipation that makes the Holidays not only a season, but a feeling.
For many, your support of Change for Children gifts that very feeling. The promise of possibility. The desire to look ahead, the anticipation of opportunity. Change for Children projects allow people to grow, to succeed, to dream.
And while it is true that many of us will head home for the holidays – for that feeling – it is hope that truly makes the season shine. Sharing hope with others – that lasts beyond the season and beyond the new year – is the gift that empowers people to shine too.
There really is no place like HOPE for the Holidays.