Cuatro Caminos School Construction Complete
July 3, 2020
Putting to work the generous donations from Change for Children’s 2019 Development Dinner, two new classrooms have been constructed in the community of Cuatro Caminos in Comitancillo, Guatemala! Teachers and students at the school have been participating in the Technology for Improved Education project — implemented with the support of 60milliongirls — and one of the new classrooms will serve as the technology hub.

Three Alberta teachers spent two weeks last summer with children in Cuatro Caminos, high in the mountains. With too little infrastructure to accommodate the number of students, several of the classes were meeting in a community hall in noisy and crowded conditions. The new space will make a big difference for teacher practice and student learning!

Schools in Guatemala are currently in lockdown, and there have been no classes for three months. But, the new classrooms are ready to host students when school resumes. Fortunately, there have been no cases of COVID-19 in Comitancillo, and our partner, AMMID, continues to work with vigilance to inform and support communities during the pandemic.

Although most of you will never visit the communities you touch with your support, your reach extends beyond borders, off the beaten path, and into far away places just the same. Almost as if you were there. And sometimes your name is there! Right there on the wall of a school in rural Guatemala – a physical expression of gratitude across the miles! Thank you for your support!