Solar makes it so!
May 17, 2021
COVID-19 has further exposed the importance of connecting all students to learning and skill-building opportunities, including those living without consistent, reliable access to the internet and technology and who lack the know-how to navigate a digital world. And while Nicaragua’s Ministry of Education (MINED) does bring tech education to select classrooms in the country, only on-grid communities are served. Off-grid marginalized communities like those in the remote Bosawas rainforest region continue to be cut off from access to education and skill-development opportunities.
Until recently! By combining solar power and digital technology, Change for Children’s Technology for Improved Learning and Education project overcomes barriers and successfully connects digitally disadvantaged youth. Sure, the laptops and the remote hotspot and the Massive Open Online Course are all critical to learning outcomes and skill-building, but it’s the solar that makes it all go!
Telecommunication has come a long way since the first World Telecommunication Day in 1969! Today, we recognize not only the potential of Information Communication Technology (ICT) for the Sustainable Development Goals, but also the solar technology that keeps it all humming in the most remote corners!

Central America and the Caribbean Education Education In The Field Indigenous Peoples Nicaragua Technology