Common Ground for Climate Change Education
November 30, 2023
We have been sharing our successes with tech education in the Global South for some time now – remote hotspots for education, digital libraries, classroom tablets. But in case these terms are new to you, you can read about how they are collectively enhancing education in hard to reach places in our fall Building Bridges newsletter.
The Alberta teachers who participated in the Alberta Teacher’s Association (ATA) teacher brigades to Nicaragua and Guatemala this past summer witnessed firsthand the power of tech education to improve learning opportunities. (More on their experience can be found in the recent ATA newsletter here).
What we haven’t yet shared with this community is that we have also been working with teachers, both in Canada and in Nicaragua, to develop curriculum resources to add to the digital libraries in remote classrooms. Climate change has had a marked impact in the areas we work – altered ecosystems, diminishing water tables, reduced capacity to grow food – and the importance of incorporating climate change and environmental education into elementary school education both in the Global South and in Canada has been identified.
With the support of SpurChange, lesson plans for teachers with the themes of climate change, forests, and environmental education have recently been developed and added not only to the digital libraries deployed in schools in Nicaragua and Guatemala, but also on our own website for use by Canadian teachers. The lesson plans have been prepared in the languages of English, Spanish, and Miskito and are available now for download.
Central America and the Caribbean Climate Change Education In Canada In The Field Indigenous Peoples