Brighter Futures in Bosawas
December 19, 2023
The solar pumping water system in Pamkawas was destroyed by Hurricanes in 2020. In February of this year, the carnage—crushed solar panels, broken piping, and a roofless structure, remained. Young Hamilton demonstrated the use of its various parts (rendered useless for water delivery) as a quasi jungle-gym.
Without a water system connected to a mountain source, river water was being used as a stand-in for clean, safe water. Women and girls making multiple trips to the river daily with buckets to collect water were rewarded only with dirty water to offer their families for cooking and for cleaning.
More recently, with community participation, work began on infrastructure repairs. New solar panels and a new pump were installed. Broken pipes were repaired. The tank was rehabilitated. Critically, the community’s water committee has also been equipped with the training and confidence to take care of the system, to collect appropriate user fees, and to plan ahead for future maintenance.
Today, there’s a little more colour in Pamkawas. A freshly painted tank and bright blue piping delivers water to families, restoring access! Your support of water systems in Bosawas means Making Futures Bright.
Pamkawas’ future is looking bright!
Help make futures bright for more families and more communities this season!
Making Futures Bright.
A pretty great tradition.
Bosawas Central America and the Caribbean In The Field Indigenous Peoples Nicaragua Water