Wired for Change

The string of paper dolls in our logo was conceived decades ago to remind us that we are all connected. They still do, and we still are! While our work has evolved, connection remains at the heart of it.

We are happy to welcome our partner Juan Reanda, Technology Facilitator at Mundo Posible/World Possible Guatemala and a connection-maker at his very core, as our guest speaker at this year’s Development Dinner. Juan has installed RACHEL learning labs in more than 600 rural schools in Guatemala and across Central America, has trained more than 5,000 teachers on the use of RACHEL, and is currently developing the Climate Change Education MOOC for our Education for Climate Responsiveness project. Juan’s passion for serving the underserved has made educational opportunities possible for many children in rural areas.

The Development Dinner is also a time to re-connect! Tony Llorente was one of our guests at the event last year, and he will be with in attendance this year on route to connect with tech education professionals at the mEducation Alliance annual conference in Washington, DC. Tony is a Miskito youth from the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve in northern Nicaragua, is a steadfast advocate for the protection and preservation of Indigenous lands, and is the Communications and Monitoring Coordinator for our innovative educational technology project.

We live in a connected world!

Please join us at our Development Dinner to connect with our special gusts and to be part of cultivating critical connections that make the world a little more just, communities a lot stronger, and daily lives much easier for many.

Connection happens when we come together.

In Canada