Project: Food in the Forest: Indigenous Capacity Building for Food Security, Improved Nutrition & Poverty Alleviation
Partners: Alianza Verde Financial Partners: CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency)
CFCA recently formed a partnership with Alianza Verde (Green Alliance) and Miskito indigenous peoples living in the Rio Patuca Ecological Reserve of southeastern Honduras.
Project Description: This project will focus on improving food security amongst indigenous populations in Rio Patuca Reserve by providing access to a diversity of seeds and livestock, and training community members on effective planting and harvesting techniques, livestock care, and food preparation. The project will also provide capacity building for indigenous leadership on sustainable economic development and environmental protection. An important and groundbreaking component of this project involves cross-border dialogue, organizing, and knowledge sharing between both Honduran and Nicaraguan indigenous groups.
Regional Challenges: Indigenous groups in the Rio Patuca region are facing the highest rates of poverty, malnutrition, and vitamin deficiencies in Honduras. The effects of climate change, including unpredictable precipitation rates, drought, plagues, and natural disasters are devastating food production and security in the region. Indigenous groups in Honduras do not have land management rights, and as a result, non-indigenous development in the region is rapidly destroying the rainforest ecosystem.
Impact: Improving food security and nutrition in the region will contribute to improved health and brain development, which will allow for children to access education and become productive members of their societies. Through cross-border capacity building, indigenous groups of Honduras and Nicaragua will be able to achieve sustainable development and environmental preservation.
Our Partners: Alianza Verde (Green Alliance) is a Honduran-based non-governmental organization working to promote environmental protection through sustainable development in indigenous communities.