Women Today
May 8, 2013
Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day. A day to to inspire women and celebrate achievements. For me, it is a day of deep reflection and action.
I recently watched a PBS Series Makers that refreshed my understanding of the American Women’s Movement. I was inspired …and humbled. So many courageous women have shaped the life I have today. My education, freedom of choice, opportunity, and entitlement was enabled by the actions of women before me.
As I turn my inner eye to the women in Change for Children’s partner communities, I can’t help but reflect on the disparity of privilege that exists. And I can’t help but feel compelled to do something tangible to pay forward my privilege into real support for the courageous women in the Global South. Fortunately, I have first hand knowledge of how to do that;)
We know that improving access to safe water is one of the most effective means of improving lives for women and children. We know that improving lives of women is one of the most effective ways of ensuring food security.
In honour of all the women who have contributed to your quality of life, I ask you to join me in making a donationto support the women in Nicaragua, Bolivia and Uganda who are faced with the harsh threats of extreme poverty.
Please, pay it forward for the women who are fighting for basic rights and needs today.
~ Shelaine