
Posts In: Guatemala

Business un-usual in Guatemala

The Technology for Improved Education project, ongoing since January 2019, has been working in ten community schools to improve the quality of education through the distributi... The Technology for Improved Education project, ongoing since January 2019, has been working in ten c...

In The Field

Teachers are Key to Successful Tech

Great technology alone is not the answer to education. But technology in the hands of a great teacher can transport a classroom enthusiastically into the unknown! Teacher trai... Great technology alone is not the answer to education. But technology in the hands of a great teache...

In The Field

Healthy Diets for a #zerohunger World

With the introduction of modern seed-breeding programs, many farmers are now reliant on commercial seed companies who produce a few dominant and patented types. In Bella Vista... With the introduction of modern seed-breeding programs, many farmers are now reliant on commercial s...

In The Field

Unscripted and Unstoppable

“More girls today are attending and completing school, fewer are getting married or becoming mothers while still children, and more are gaining the skills they need to e... “More girls today are attending and completing school, fewer are getting married or becoming m...

In The Field

'Online' off the beaten path

Though I walk into the Taltimiche school classroom brandishing my own zoom lens and manual camera in addition to the smartphone in my pocket, it is I who ends up being the one... Though I walk into the Taltimiche school classroom brandishing my own zoom lens and manual camera in...

In The Field

Finding our 'Why' in Guatemala's Highlands

The Volunteer Factor Lifting Communities A tattoo artist, four seasoned dental professionals, two nurses, four fresh dental school grads, two students, a young mother, a CEO, ... The Volunteer Factor Lifting Communities A tattoo artist, four seasoned dental professionals, two nu...

Blog, In The Field, Travel Stories

San Isidro School - Opening Doors

The first time we visit San Isidro in the Guatemala highlands – one of the most marginalized and isolated communities in Comitancillo – it is to meet the Community Development... The first time we visit San Isidro in the Guatemala highlands – one of the most marginalized and iso...

In The Field

Alberta Teachers #MAKEROOM in Guatemala

As we continue to address classroom construction needs in Comitancillo, Guatemala, we are also concentrating efforts on improving the quality of education received inside clas... As we continue to address classroom construction needs in Comitancillo, Guatemala, we are also conce...

In The Field, Travel Stories

Girls of Today - Women of Tomorrow

We could not be more proud to have a new project selected to receive support from the 60 million girls foundation in 2019. We could not be more proud to have a new project selected to receive support from the 60 million gir...


Be humble. Be teachable. Always keep learning.

We learn much from those who continue to smile in the face of adversity; from those who open their hearts to, and trust in, the kindness of strangers; from those whose gratitu... We learn much from those who continue to smile in the face of adversity; from those who open their h...

Blog, Travel Stories