
Posts Tagged: EcoStove

Change Your World Youth Tour

From July 6th and 16th, five Alberta Youth entered the BOSAWAS Biosphere Reserve via the Coco River, along with ACGC and Change for Children staff, representatives of CFCA’s p... From July 6th and 16th, five Alberta Youth entered the BOSAWAS Biosphere Reserve via the Coco River,...

In The Field, Travel Stories

Change Your World Tour Highlights

The youth attended the inauguration of the first community water well drilled using Change for Children’s new drilling machine!            ... The youth attended the inauguration of the first community water well drilled using Change for Child...

In The Field

Energy & Innovation In Nicaragua

In July of 2010 I had the opportunity to participate in a program called “Just Teach”, offered through the organization “Change for Children”; this program involved a 15-day e... In July of 2010 I had the opportunity to participate in a program called “Just Teach”, offered throu...

Blog, In The Field