Change for Children Dental Brigade makes great smiles better in Nicaragua's Bosawas biosphere reserve
June 2, 2016
Featured in the Edmonton Sun's Travel section… Featured in the Edmonton Sun's Travel section…
June 2, 2016
Featured in the Edmonton Sun's Travel section… Featured in the Edmonton Sun's Travel section…
March 1, 2016
“You would be the ones to carry water for hours every day,” I say to the girls in Canadian classrooms who have first been prompted to raise their hands simply by v... “You would be the ones to carry water for hours every day,” I say to the girls in Canadi...
February 12, 2016
It was with great excitement and eagerness that I returned to the gorgeous rainforest region of Nicaragua alongside the traveling companions I visited the region with back in ... It was with great excitement and eagerness that I returned to the gorgeous rainforest region of Nica...
September 15, 2015
When Helen grows up, she wants to be a teacher. Before the Bolivia breakfast program was initiated in Helen’s school in Charcos II, 40 students attended classes regularl... When Helen grows up, she wants to be a teacher. Before the Bolivia breakfast program was initiated i...
September 1, 2015
Project Partner Hosts U of A Practicum Student Funds raised at last year’s Development Dinner fundraiser provided much-needed support for the Bolivia Better Nutrition, B... Project Partner Hosts U of A Practicum Student Funds raised at last year’s Development Dinner ...
March 25, 2015
It is said that 90% of communication is nonverbal. Nevertheless, with a when in Rome attitude, I ask our local translator the Mam word for Good Morning. There isn’t one,... It is said that 90% of communication is nonverbal. Nevertheless, with a when in Rome attitude, I ask...
March 20, 2015
And despite arriving to infants on the backs of mothers, brothers and sisters boasting baby bottles filled with a brown liquid with a troubling resemblance to Coca-Cola (or co... And despite arriving to infants on the backs of mothers, brothers and sisters boasting baby bottles ...
March 13, 2015
While it was not the first journey down the Rio Coco for Change for Children staff, the unique perspective of Paragon brigade participants experiencing the reserve for the fir... While it was not the first journey down the Rio Coco for Change for Children staff, the unique persp...
March 3, 2015
Not only do we bear witness to, but we also reap the rewards (through multiple taste test opportunities) of the women cooperativos who have learned through workshops to prepar... Not only do we bear witness to, but we also reap the rewards (through multiple taste test opportunit...
May 20, 2014
As a long-time CFCA supporter and volunteer, I recently ventured into Nicaragua’s Bosawas biosphere reserve. It is here in the remote rainforest that I witness the quiet simp... As a long-time CFCA supporter and volunteer, I recently ventured into Nicaragua’s Bosawas biosphere ...
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