
Posts In: Nicaragua

Time waits for no one. #AboutTime

As time passes, so do opportunities to educate children who are diverted away from classrooms if the infrastructure, the resources, and the teachers are not equipped to delive... As time passes, so do opportunities to educate children who are diverted away from classrooms if the...

In The Field

Knowledge sharing; Promoting innovation

Photo Credit: L’Art de Capter by Josiane Farand A very successful event was recently held by Change for Children (in cooperation with Nicaragua’s Ministry of Education a... Photo Credit: L’Art de Capter by Josiane Farand A very successful event was recently held by C...

In The Field

Mothers make it happen

Going the extra mile. Making the sacrifices. Shouldering the worry. Lifting the weak. Celebrating the successes. Providing the comfort. Making it happen. All of it. Moms. It&#... Going the extra mile. Making the sacrifices. Shouldering the worry. Lifting the weak. Celebrating th...

In The Field

Wild spaces. Wildly vulnerable.

The list of wild things in the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve is long. Sure, I have seen the turtles (cute as they are), and revered the crocodiles (from the safety of the boat), a... The list of wild things in the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve is long. Sure, I have seen the turtles (cut...

In The Field

In support of Improved Governance

The Local Knowledge; Global Goals project prioritizes local Indigenous knowledge and gender equality to build conservation capacity in order to improve the sustainable managem... The Local Knowledge; Global Goals project prioritizes local Indigenous knowledge and gender equality...

In The Field

In support of Self-sufficiency

The Local Knowledge; Global Goals project prioritizes local Indigenous knowledge and gender equality to build conservation capacity in order to improve the sustainable managem... The Local Knowledge; Global Goals project prioritizes local Indigenous knowledge and gender equality...

In The Field

In support of Sustainability

The Local Knowledge; Global Goals project prioritizes local Indigenous knowledge and gender equality to build conservation capacity in order to improve the sustainable managem... The Local Knowledge; Global Goals project prioritizes local Indigenous knowledge and gender equality...

In The Field

The Next Generation of Conservation

By Sherling Guerrero Fenandez Grade 10 student, San Andres, BOSAWAS, Nicaragua I was born in the San Andres community in the BOSAWAS. I really like living in my community, bec... By Sherling Guerrero Fenandez Grade 10 student, San Andres, BOSAWAS, Nicaragua I was born in the San...

In The Field

Local Producers; Food Sovereignty

Many families in the BOSAWAS, Nicaragua live a subsistence lifestyle by both growing small crops and raising a few farm animals. These subsistence farmers simply produce what ... Many families in the BOSAWAS, Nicaragua live a subsistence lifestyle by both growing small crops and...

In The Field

Planting Seeds with Solar Power

JOIN US AT OUR DEVELOPMENT DINNER EVENT: PLANTING SEEDS! It was a sunny day when Change for Children’s field team first visited the community of Ismael Castillo – ... JOIN US AT OUR DEVELOPMENT DINNER EVENT: PLANTING SEEDS! It was a sunny day when Change for Children...

In The Field